Universal Design Conference 2021 COVID Safe Regulations
In drafting a COVID safety plan, we are taking strong steps to ensure your safety throughout the event, including regular cleaning, placing physical distancing markers throughout the venue, and providing hand sanitiser. We’re counting on everyone to keep themselves and others safe by following the guidelines below, and adhering to the latest public health advice.

How many staff members can I have at my stall?
There is no limit as to how many staff members you may have at your stall, but physical distancing measures still apply, and you will need to ensure that you can keep 1.5m apart at all times.
If you are rotating staff, it’s best to have groups of staff that are rostered on for the same shifts, to ensure no overlap of workers during shift changes.

How can ensure the wellbeing of my staff and visitors?
Physical distancing measures apply, and you will need to maintain a distance of 1.5m between yourself and others at all times. Wash your hands regularly, especially if you come in contact with objects that have been handled by others. There will be hand sanitiser available in various locations throughout the venue, but we encourage exhibitors to also have some available at their stall.

Will I need to wear a mask?
Must be carried at all times, and worn when cannot maintain 1.5m physical distancing unless a lawful exception applies.

I’m feeling unwell on the day, what do I do?
If you are feeling unwell, or displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 (this includes fever, cough, sore throat and or flu like symptoms), please do not, under any circumstances, attend the event. If you cannot make the event, please contact us on info@interpoint.com.au
If at any point during the expo you start to display symptoms, however mild, please keep away from other attendees and seek assistance from an event organiser or member of security.

Will I need to wear a mask?
Must be carried at all times, and worn when cannot maintain 1.5m physical distancing unless a lawful exception applies.

Do people with disability have to wear a face mask?
Yes, people with disability must wear a face mask in settings where it is mandatory unless it is unsuitable to do so for medical, physical, communication or other individual risk factors.

I’m feeling unwell on the day, what do I do?
If you are feeling unwell, or displaying any symptoms of COVID-19, please do not, under any circumstances, attend the event.
If at any point during the expo you start to display symptoms, however mild, please keep away from other attendees and seek assistance from an event organiser or member of security.

How can I ensure the wellbeing of myself and other attendees?
- Please have your printed QR code or phone ready to scan upon entry, and again once you leave.
- Wash or sanitise hands regularly, especially after coming in contact with objects that have been handles by others. There will be hand sanitiser available in various locations throughout the venue, but we encourage you to also bring a small bottle with you.
- To reduce the risk of transmission, keep 1.5m between yourself and other visitors at all times. If you are attending in a group, stay together and do not separate or come into close contact with other attendees where possible.
- We ask that all visitors follow the directional marking on the ground when waiting to enter the venue, and during the expo.

Do I need to book ahead?
To ensure the safety of everyone attending there is a strict limit as to how many attendees can be in the venue at one time. To secure your spot booking online prior to the event is recommended: https://www.ahice.com.au/register
COVIDSAFE Outline as of 11:59PM WEDNESDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2021 – may change as restrictions are updated.